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Managing Stress

Help Kids cope with Trauma,Worry and Anxiety 

Our Second Step Social Emotional Learning (SEL) curriculum includes a calm down unit for all grades. Students learn these 3 steps for calming down.










for additional information about

Second Step and how to create a calm down corner in your home.


6. Use a Grounding Strategy

Grounding is a powerful way to interrupt anxious thoughts in the moment! Give your kids who worry a chance to practice each one and see which one works for them. Here is one to try below:

7. Use a Visualization Strategy or Guided Imagery

Making pictures or remembering positive experiences in your mind that can help kids feel calm and relaxed.

Close your eyes and imagine that you are in your favorite place. Somewhere you feel safe, comfortable and happy. What do you see, smell, feel? What about this place makes you happy?


Option: Use this video from UC Berkeley Greater Good in Action (browse for other great resources).

Option: Visit a virtual calming room with animals and imagine you are there!



8. Create a Bliss List

Create a list of things that make you and your child happy (each create your own).


ride my bike

read a book

hug my stuffed animal

sing a song

build something with legos

listen to music

go for a walk

When your child feels a strong negative feeling, encourage them to choose an item from their list (best not to include tech time)! Make sure to include a coping strategy from this page on the list.

Model: "I am feeling frustrated, I am going to do some deep belly breaths from my Bliss List to help me feel calm."

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1. Talk to your kids about their worries. 

Click Here and scroll to the bottom for parent tips about how to talk to your kids about their worry/Anxiety.

  • Use the "Circle of Control" to make a list of things we can and cannot control. Focusing on things kids can control will help them feel more power over their worries.





2. Read Books about Worry/Anxiety 

See a list Children’s books, apps, and other resources Here.


3. Use a breathing ball or other props

to help your kids do deep belly breaths 

(includes different strategies for kids of all ages.)


4. Create your own

 calm down bottle/jar together!

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5. Use Fidgets and/or bubble wrap.

Fidgeting helps release muscle tension caused by stress.Hand fidgets can help manage anxiety, improve attention/ability to focus, or even help children calm down when dealing with a surge of emotions such as extreme anger or frustration.

*Click here to view different types of fidgets.

Pop Bubble Wrap - Popping bubble wrap sheets can help work off some nervous energy so you or your child feels less stressed/anxious. The logic is similar to how using a stress ball, grip strengthener, or fidget might work. 







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